by John F Mann
Extensive sources for further research into family history are available at the following link, although you generally must purchase the various documents;
Listing (with further links) of those with Clinckett surname from Barbados (see number 37 in list);
Interesting information about history of the Gittens family of Barbados (related to Clincketts) can be found at this site;
Artistic paintings of family trees by Dorothy Walwer (daughter of Noel & John E "Jack" Mann) are shown at this site;
Brits In South America" database. Includes extensive list of other web-site resources;
Recently (October 2011) I have been trying a 7-day free trial for the following genealogy site. So far I grade it a C-minus at best;
This last link is merely a blatant "inside" pitch for my engineering site;