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Mann Family Of Bavaria

by John F Mann

based on family history by John E Mann & Noel Mann

Based on research of basic records available in Germany, family history of the branch including John E Mann has been taken back to Joannis Georgius Mann, born about 1690 in the village of Kraisdorf, in a region that only later became the state of Bavaria (in what is now central Germany).

For description of how the search for Kraisdorf took many years, see "Michael Mann" in "Mann Family in USA".

Joannis married Margaretha (maiden name not known) about 1715. Son Michael Joseph Mann was born about 1728.

See below for links to information about Bavaria, Kraisdorf and Pfarrweisach.

Michael Joseph Mann married Margaretha Hoch in 1751. Son Adamus (Adam) was born July 4, 1756 in Kraisdorf.

Adam Mann.pdf

(PDF — 644 KB)

Adam Mann married Cunigunda Gunnermann on February 12, 1787. Adam worked as a bricklayer, living until January 20, 1816. Cunigunda (born in Frickendorf, Bavaria in 1760) lived on until September 16, 1824 at the age of 64. Son Caspar was born on November 23, 1794 in Kraisdorf.

For each of the three generations starting with Joannis Mann, there were likely additional children. However, records have not been found.

Caspar Mann & Cunigunda Schneidawind

Caspar Mann, farmer and bricklayer, married Cunigunda Schneidawind in 1821. The couple produced five children (4 boys, 1 girl) from 1822 to 1831. Unfortunately, Cunigunda (born 1793 in Bischwind, Bavaria) died in March 1835 (age 42), the day after birth of a sixth child, who also did not survive.

Michael Mann (born September 10, 1831), fifth-born child of Caspar and Cunigunda, took the bold step, at age 21, of moving to America in 1853.

Undoubtedly in desperate need of child-raising expertise after the untimely death of his first wife, Caspar quickly married the much-younger Anna Marie Brunnhoffer on June 13, 1835 (St Killian RC Church, Pfarrweisach, Bavaria). When married, Anna was 20 while Caspar was 40. The couple produced yet another four children (2 boys, 2 girls) from 1836 to 1847. Somewhat puzzling is the identical names given to two sons; Johann Georg (July 21, 1837) and Johann Georg (July 4, 1847). However, after the first Johann died at an early age, parents gave the later son the same name.

The prodigious Caspar lived until July 1, 1857 (age 62). Anna (born 1815 in Kraisdorf) carried on until June 13, 1861 (age 46), ironically the date of her marriage to Caspar, 26 years earlier.


The following link shows a fabulous aerial view of the terrain around Kraisdorf and Pfarrweisach. As with any such map, you can zoom out and zoom in. If you see only map, simply click on the "Satellite" box at top right;

Bavaria, in west-central Germany, has a long history as an independent state before the relatively modern nation of Germany was formed in 1871.

The following online sources are among many that provide background information about history of Bavaria;

As reported by Wikipedia, Pfarrweisach is currently one of 2,056 municipalities in Bavaria, with a population of just 1,551 living within an area of 11 square miles. The sparse population density is not surprising considering that this has remained essentially a farming area (see link for aerial map).

"Pfarrweisach Online" is in German;

History of Pfarrweisach (almost entirely in German) might be translated online (if you are clever with internet skills!);

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